Beyond The Glass Ceiling: Why Businesswomen Need Other Women At The Top TiE Women x Oasis500
Although invisible, the glass ceiling is very real, and there are plenty of statistics to back the metaphor just mentioned. Here are a few statistics to give you an idea of how such barriers affect women :-
Only 38.6% of managerial roles are held by women.
Just 10% of leadership in the workplace is represented by women.
Women make up 4.1% of Fortune 500 CEOs.
While there is a long history of women’s role in the workforce — between wars, social movements and political climates — little progress has been made in the way of gender equality in the workplace.The workplace scenario in terms of women in leadership roles in the Middle East is different to the West.
Come join us for #TiETalks as we sit down with our panelists and discuss their journey to reaching the top
From breaking the glass ceiling with Women in Leadership roles to how it all started, we get candid about their entrepreneurship journey.
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